Friday, November 16, 2012

4.3       Project team composition and organization

            It is recommended that the project team be constituted as multi-disciplinary multi-departmental team with members coming from marketing, public relations, direct customer-facing operations and IT departments. There will be a collective ownership of the project with tasks that are spread among these stakeholders. The project will follow the standard project management team organization which calls for a division of labour within the team.  Figure 2 illustrates the organization structure with members from the organization and representatives from an IT consultant or vendor who can work with the team to guide it in both technical and functional areas.   In addition, there is a need to activate or create an oversight body such as steering committee that can provide high management support for the project in terms of project funding, strategic change management approvals, and status monitoring to ensure that the project is completed as expected. 

 Figure 4: Project team organization chart

4.4       Work Breakdown Structure and deliverables per milestone

Table 6 summarizes the projects milestones and their respective deliverables. 
Table 6: Project WBS milestones and deliverables
Task Name
Approve Project
Approved project budget and signed contract with consultant
Create project team
Complete project team
Acquire Tablets (ipad2 or equivalent)
Trouble free iPad2 Tablets
Develop and activate Google +
Activated BAC Google+ site
Create and activate commissions-based revenue sharing in BAC website
Enhanced website for commission-based revenue streams
Create and activate YouTube Account
At least 12 – 15 YouTube video content
Activate Blogging presence
Activated BlogSpot site
Turnover project to operations
Project Completion with user sign-off


            4.4.1    Activity duration

Table 7 shows a high level activity Gantt chart for the milestone tasks calculated from MS Project and summarized using MS Excel worksheet for this paper.  The project WBS details are in Annex B.  This proposal aims to start the project after the Christmas holiday rush and the second week of January 2013 is the target start.  The project is expected to last until the first week of December 10`3, just before the holiday season, with a cumulative contingency of plus or minus 20 days to accommodate delays in any of the milestone tasks.

4.5       General Project performance metrics

The proposed Web 2.0 business improvement project will have performance metrics that quantitatively assess the performance of the team, individually and collectively by the Project Manager or in tandem with existing work performance measures implemented by the company HR department.  But the basic measures will include meeting budgets, deadlines, and the planned or anticipated quality and quantity of deliverables.   These metrics include the following:
Table 8: Project performance metrics
Team Performance

·         Attendance – not more than 10% lost time within a week due to aggregate tardiness or absences in any project activity that includes presentations, staff meetings, and engagements with 3rd party suppliers and corporate departments.  This translates to no more than 2 days unplanned absence in a month. Any tardiness is recorded and compensated for by leaving late for home. This is expected to maximize the member’s utilization in the project.
·         100% compliance with computing security standards.  This requires the use of automatic screen blanking or screensaver, computer lockout, and auto log out from the company network as well as the use of secure VPN (Virtual Private Network) when telecommuting.  This ensures security of user data, significantly reducing the risk of anyone eavesdropping into member PC when not around.
Quality of deliverables

·         100% compliance with the objectives set for each planned deliverable. 
·         No more than10% error rate in data accuracy, syntax, spelling and diction in generating reports for internal and external use.
Time Management Performance

·         Deadlines of project deliverable to be met 90% of the time.  The 5% instance when deadlines are not met should not exceed more than 20% of the allocated time for the task to be completed. This means that a two-day delay can be tolerable in a 20-day task duration, provided that the down line task that depends on the delayed task will not be severely penalized by the delay. Towards this end, the tasks have built-in slacks as contingency for unplanned events that could cause a delay.  Every effort must be done to ensure that down line tasks can absorb delays in a previous tasks to which they depend.
Cost Performance

·         Not more than 10% cumulative budget overrun for the entire project budget as initially approved.  This ensures a tight reign over project expenses to ensure the project will not go overboard unless absolutely demanded to complete a project deliverable. Nevertheless, any unplanned upward cost adjustments will require approval by the steering committee.
Ethical Conduct

·         100% compliance with workplace ethics as defined by HR.
·         Zero complaints from external stakeholders (higher management, consultants and suppliers) on ethical conduct or behaviour of team members, shortfalls in expected commitments and deliverables, on time start of meetings, etc.
·         Zero incidence of misdemeanors resulting in local police or court action.
·         Zero complaints from fellow team members about violent, intimidating, abusive or generally offensive behaviour.

            4.5.1    Project Milestone Metrics

            Each milestone will be marked with a status progress report to be provided to the project sponsor or the project steering committee.  The metrics of each milestone differ based on the expected deliverables as indicated in Table 9.  Some of the metrics, such a signed contract are essentially the main deliverables expected in a milestone and their availability on the expected date will comprise a positive metric result for the team.
Table 9: Milestone Metrics
Task Name
Approve Project
Project budget as planned and signed contract with consultant on the committed date
Create project team
Complete project team members
Acquire Tablets (ipad2 or equivalent)
iPad2 tablets with 0% returns or warranty calls within 12 months.
Develop and activate Google +
On-Time completion of task
Create and activate commissions-based revenue sharing in BAC website
On-Time completion  of task
Create and activate YouTube Account
On-Time completion  of task
Create and activate blogging presence
On-Time completion of task
Project turnover to users
Complete user confidence through a sign-off on committed date

4.5       Communication Plan

            The project will generate regular project status reports as well as generate summaries for fulfilment reports from 3rd party vendors and consultants, both of which will be presented to project stakeholders consisting of project sponsors, management and team members with the objective of ensuring a smooth flow of information that is needed by them for appropriate action or fore purely informational purposes.  Towards this end, communications channels shall be supported by both tradition channels such as No project can be implemented with any success unless the results and anticipated problems in the project are communicated clearly within the group and to its external stakeholders such as project sponsors in higher management (Charvat, 2002).
Table 10: Communications Project Plan
Communication Channel

Project status  and deliverables report
Project Manager
Weekly and Monthly
Steering Committee,  Team members
Presentation in regular meeting via PowerPoint, emailed document or through shared document access in Google Docs.

Vendor delivery report
As Needed
Project Manager
Emailed document or through shared document access in Google Docs.

Issue and problem log and resolution
Project Manager, ERP Vendors
Monthly or as required
Steering Committee, Departments Heads depending on the nature of issues to be resolve
Emailed document or through shared document access in Google Docs

Contingency and Risk Mitigation Plan
Project Manager
Start of project and with new risks identified
Project Sponsor, V{ Finance, HR Director, IT Director and
Team members
Emailed document or through shared document access in Google Docs

Project team performance assessment
Project Manager
Weekly and Monthly
HR Head and
to each team member
Weekly staff meeting

Actual vs. Budget expense report
Accounting Head
Weekly, Monthly,
Project Manager
Weekly staff meeting

Internal policy and standards change recommendations
Project Manager
As required
Steering Committee
Reposited in Google Docs for online access

Request for additional budget
Program Manager
As required
Project Sponsor
Special presentation to Steering Committee with advanced emailed documentation
Key: I: Information only; C: For review and comments; A: For review and approval

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