4.3 Discussion and Summary of Themes
Based on
the foregoing results from the survey and the interview, several common or
shared insights and opinions have emerged, identified and grouped into themes.
This section gathers them and discusses each, as follows:
Theme 1: Among the many skills in project
management, communication figures as the most important in a multicultural
environment, though all the other major skills are not far in importance.
confirms what Baume et al (2002) considers as a multi-disciplinary undertaking
in bringing about change and what
Modesto and Tichapondwa (2010) described has having both a micro and
macro level perspective that requires communication skills for the project to
succeed. The respondents have clearly understood this concept which is further
elaborated in the second question that ranked the relative importance of the
various variables in communication skills where managing cultural diversity and
recognizing the need for English as a second language occupied the top two
rankings. as indicated by 60% of the respondents. Row (2010) pointed to communication as reducing
misunderstanding among project stakeholders and team members while fostering
teamwork which is basically the same sentiments expounded in the interviews as
being the most important abilities of a project manager.
Theme 2: A second language such as English is a
must among project managers in a multicultural setting.
The globalization
of industries has spurred the need to have a common language and in the
multicultural setting of the UAE where projects have such a dimension, English
has helped to foster understanding and teamwork among project members. It may not always be English and project
managers will need to know the cultural background of their constituent members
to determine the best second language to use. As Orrill (2010) essayed in his
study on the Jumeirah project, a team trained on a second language that can be
understood by the majority of multi-ethnic groups in a project team provides an
advantage to the company and the survey results clearly echoed this
sentiment. The second language is often
English which is already being studied by locals as it is the most understood
among overseas workers from China, the Philippines, India, and most other nationalities, apart
from professionals from the UK and the US that typically get involved in UAE
projects. But other languages can be
used as well and this depends on the composition of the project team. The French language may be the second
language if there are more nationals in the team who speak and understand the language.
Theme 3: Understanding a second language in a
casual verbal interaction is one thing, but reading documents required in the
project is another.
are often countered when project managers assume that because a second language
such as English is used often in verbal communication, reading English
documents would not be a problem. From
the interviews, this theme emerged and confirms what Nunan and Brown has
identified as multilevel competence in ESL where reading comprehension skills
is the next higher dimension in communicative competence along with the more
basic listening skills. Overlooking this
aspect of communication can be problematic to a project when, for instance, a
document spelling out what needs to be done or specifying materials for a
projects are misinterpreted and the work is done wrongly and will need to be
reworked later on.
Theme 4: Teamwork is important in a project
management undertaking and this is often difficult to achieve without
interactive communication.
This gets
more heightened in a multicultural project where several overseas nationals
with disparate cultures, psychologies and frames of references need to have a
common understanding tow work as a team.
The interview results had been most emphatic on this regard which only
confirms what Orrill (2010) reported about communication barriers that have led
to conflicts in the Jumeirah project, something that would not have occurred
had teamwork been vigorously pursued from the start. Smith & Imbrie (2005) argued for team
development and with cultural diversity thrown into the picture, understanding
the dynamics of interpersonal relationships becomes even more critical. Towards this end, activities like
teambuilding exercises already supported and undertaken by HR in many companies
to improve office and departmental productivity, has been raised in the
interviews as a solution to teamwork shortfalls and needs to be incorporated
into the project management plan as part of its knowledge leveling exercises
among team members prior to starting the project work.
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